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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/09/2010 - 05:40.
larry and brewer, my german wirehair pointers. These dogs are so sharp and have learned everything easily. They love to be with people and even get sad and whine a little when people leave the house.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/08/2010 - 21:08.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/07/2010 - 03:51.
This is Mojo, we think he is a dachshund chowchow mix. He has the black spotted tongue and the skin around his face is kind of loose, so if you scrunch it up he totally looks chow.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/01/2010 - 21:35.
Mojo chillaxin'
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 14:04.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 05:29.
Angel loves the snow. She loves snow plowing with her face.
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/29/2010 - 07:03.
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/29/2010 - 07:00.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/28/2010 - 14:28.
Buddy and Star with a snowman that initially spooked them.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/28/2010 - 00:05.
The picture taken of my dog Jake was when he was still very young. Today, aged almost nine - he was sadly put to sleep as he had cancer. Nice to have his picture here still...and here one taken just a day or two before the end.