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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 02:48.
This dog started out a small handful of fur. He was a rescue puppy.
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 05:15.
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/23/2011 - 11:30.
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/23/2011 - 00:25.
my baby charm is 7 months and weights 4 pounds. she loves to cuddle and dress pretty
Submitted by julie on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 23:09.
Flyball in the main arena at Crufts 2011.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 23:06.
Heelwork to music in the main arena at Crufts 2011.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 23:03.
This little Maltese dog was so cute! In Discover Dogs at Crufts 2011.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 22:53.
A gorgeous Husky gets a cuddle in Discover Dogs at Crufts 2011.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 22:51.
This is now my motto!
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 03/13/2011 - 17:42.