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Submitted by julie on Wed, 11/21/2012 - 14:19.
The book that inspired the film - The Twelve Dogs of Christmas.
Submitted by julie on Wed, 11/21/2012 - 14:17.
The Twelve Dogs of Christmas - a heartwarming movie.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 15:39.
Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, will be helping to keep many homeless canines cosy this Christmas after receiving an unprecedented amount of doggy jumpers knitted by over a thousand volunteers across the UK.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 15:37.
Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, will be helping to keep many homeless canines cosy this Christmas after receiving an unprecedented amount of doggy jumpers knitted by over a thousand volunteers across the UK.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 15:36.
Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, will be helping to keep many homeless canines cosy this Christmas after receiving an unprecedented amount of doggy jumpers knitted by over a thousand volunteers across the UK.
Submitted by julie on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 16:38.
Ron Hevener's book High Stakes.
Submitted by julie on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 16:37.
Author Ron Hevener.
Submitted by julie on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 15:11.
Dogs Trust is delighted to announce that television presenters Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford have today become Patrons of the UK’s largest dog welfare charity. The pair rehomed black crossbreed Maggie from Dogs Trust Harefield in July last year after Eamonn met her whilst helping celebrate the rehoming centre’s fifth birthday.
Submitted by julie on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 00:18.
Zandra Rhodes attends Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s annual Collars & Coats Gala Ball at Battersea Evolution on Thursday 8th November 2012, London, England (Photo by David Baird/Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)
Submitted by julie on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 00:16.
The largest and smallest dogs at the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s annual Collars & Coats Gala Ball at Battersea Evolution on Thursday 8th November 2012, London, England (Photo by David Baird/Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)