Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 10:47.
The reason why Chelsea looks like that is because she has so much excess skin on her face and when she lies on her back (majority of the time) the skin falls back and to me she looks like she is smiling. But she surely has brought many a smile to my face even though she looks like a bat at times!!!!
FAB PIC !!! normal position
FAB PIC !!! normal position for bassets then ---- on their back !!!!
Quite correct!!!!!!! If not
Quite correct!!!!!!! If not on their backs then fast asleep and snoring!!!!! But you just cannot help to just love them .... best dogs ever!!!!
Awsome pic, but kind of
Awsome pic, but kind of creepy.
The reason why Chelsea looks
The reason why Chelsea looks like that is because she has so much excess skin on her face and when she lies on her back (majority of the time) the skin falls back and to me she looks like she is smiling. But she surely has brought many a smile to my face even though she looks like a bat at times!!!!
Wow aint she gorgeous
Wow aint she gorgeous