My English Springer Spaniel puppy Dax, 10 weeks old and absolutely adorable. but can anyone tell me if he looks 100% spaniel because people have suggested he may not be??
Submitted by viv5645 (not verified) on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 08:26.
if you google images for Kleine Munsterlander you will find a dog that is very much like an English springer, but slimmer - more streamlined - that is what we have. The two are clearly connected in many ways, but English version is a little stockier.
if you google images for
if you google images for Kleine Munsterlander you will find a dog that is very much like an English springer, but slimmer - more streamlined - that is what we have. The two are clearly connected in many ways, but English version is a little stockier.
Def a Springer as he looks
Def a Springer as he looks similar to my 6 months old dog, Tommy - cute!
I own 2 english springers
I own 2 english springers that are 100 % springers, your puppy looks like he is.
he sure is a springer ,he
he sure is a springer ,he looks just like my old one paddy
What a beautiful little boy
What a beautiful little boy :)