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Dachshund Beagle Chow?


This little guy (full grown at 21 pounds) came from a hoarding situation--40 dogs in a house. The report says that the identifiable breeds were dachshund, beagle and chow, so it is assumed that he's a mix.

Someday I'll do the DNA test to try to get a definitive answer. People think he's a Golden Retriever/Corgi mix, but I doubt there's a drop of either breed in him.

Does anyone else have a doxie/beagle/chow mix that looks like this?

My little girl looks very

My little girl looks very similar to you dog. I was told mine was a golden/corgi mix as well, but through DNA testing, the profile was very different. There was not a drop of corgi or golden in her. She is a mix of the following breeds: Boxer, Shih Tzu, Clumber Spaniel, Border Collie, and Chow Chow. No matter what... she is the best thing in the world!!

The results of the DNA test

The results of the DNA test are in! The dog pictured above (which I thought was dachshund/beagle/chow is 50% mixed breeds, 25% dachshund and 25% Chinese shar-pei.

The shar-pei is a real surprise. He doesn't have any of the shar-pei's distinctive face, but he does have a purplish tongue and the curly tail. Chows and shar-peis are closely related, so maybe he picked up some of the recessive Chow genes.

I am interested in a dog at

I am interested in a dog at the shelter I've been volunteering at that looks just like this one, only the legs are a little shorter. I was told that he is a corgi mix, but I had my doubts and have been doing research, so far he most closely resembles the dog in your picture. Before I had asked my best guess was some kind of a beagle mix because of the shape of the face and his behavior in some ways, I have a beagle at home. Good luck with your search!

We just got a puppy

We just got a puppy yesterday. He is 8 weeks old and his mom was a beagle/chow-chow. He is beautiful. We don't know what the dad was and are thinking about having a doggie dna test to find out what breeds he is.

If you do send me a photo

If you do send me a photo and the results -
Good luck with the puppy whatever mix he is!
Take care
Julie x

well yea my dog is a beagle

well yea my dog is a beagle mix. I think he is mixed with a chow. Honestly i think yours somehow is mixed with a somoyed husky and golden retriever.

We have a dog that looks

We have a dog that looks almost just like this one, our guy weighs 45 lbs and has a pink nose. His ears are a little smaller, we were thinking he was a golden retriever/chow mix.

Tibetan spaniel cross?

Tibetan spaniel cross?