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Star was a cute puppy


Star was such a cute baby - I can't believe she was ever that small though!

Do you still have this

Do you still have this puppy? We got our Bischon from my friends dad who was just given the puppy by a man who seemed sad to get rid of her. Her name was Star and she came with a pink leash like this one and I was wondering if by chance it was the same puppy or coincidence? ~Holly DeWeese

Hi Holly We definitely still

Hi Holly We definitely still have Star! Although that pink lead was bitten to pieces long ago. She is four now, and this year has been eventful for her as she ruptured her cruciate ligament. Thank goodness we had insurance as the surgery (TPLO) was very expensive. She is good as new now, and asleep on the sofa as a I type this. I hope your Star brings you the happiness ours has brought us.
Take care,
Julie xx

Oh how cute! How do you get

Oh how cute!
How do you get rid of her tearstains????????????????


We have tried various

We have tried various things, but in the end we wipe her under eye area every day with something link Diamond Eyes, and trim off any really problem bits.
I love Bichons, but boy that coat needs a lot of work!
Julie x

i love bichon frise they are

i love bichon frise they are so cute i should get one soon

I love bichonz so much ! How

I love bichonz so much ! How cute is Star ani cute names?? Cants think of ani LOL
Hollie x

we have alot of bichon

we have alot of bichon frises in our family. some adorable names are frizzy, fluffy, cupcake, lil' lady, pom pom, sweetie, and lovey