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Boo Boo Braveheart


Boo was our baby sadly he died just before his first birthday. The vet believes he must have eaten poison plants or was bitten by something. He pass within 10 hours. Earlier he was jumping and flying through the house like usual. On this fateful day and around 1:30 PM he seemed tired and not like himself. A few hours passed and he looked like his balance was off when he went to get a drink I thought he is still half asleep. Later on he was trying to vomit but nothing was there, Sadly we passed it off as he must have eaten something and has a upset stomach. We just let him rest for a while. My husband said he was staying on the sofa with him to watch him until morning and if he still was not feeling better we were heading to the vets. I could barely sleep so I awoke around midnight. I woke my husband and ask him How is Boo? Did he eat, get up anything? He said I don't know he is sleeping down by my feet. What a shock my little boo was already stiff. Words can never explain how you feel at that very moment. What a sense of loss and the quilt and responsiable we feel for this. I have never lost a young pup like this. He was so healthy and happy and full of life. How in just a few hours could this happen? What plant? What spider or snake bite? Bad dog food? What are they talking about. I can hardly think. My house is so silent how will I ever deal with this?

We owned our first Yorkie Buddy for 14 years and he died of old age. So something like this was so foreign to us. We are still heart broken about his death on 7/28/08. I did get a new baby yorkie pup. It was not my idea but my husband was sure this was he only thing to do. His name is Codey he is now 5 months old and a little doll but I watch him like a hawk. We have removed 80% of our landscaping and he is under constant supervision. His doggy door only opens one way" in". So heed this warning in a instant your baby could be gone. Never in a million years did I ever think about environmental hazards and their dangers. Time does heal some pain and I am truly believe my new pup helped ease my heartache. I will never forget Boo or his sweetness and how he filled my heart with joy. Funny now I smile every time little Codey doing things that remind me of him. So at least for me I have a happy ending. I made it through by the grace of God . Look after these little gifts from God the can melt your heart.