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Homeskooling 4 Dogs
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The first question when looking to adopt a dog is, why a dog? Are you looking for a companion animal? If so, both dogs and cats can provide affection and companionship.
p>I've just received the email below from Dogs Trust. If anyone could offer Ivy a home the contact information is at the bottom of the text. What a poor little pup - hope she finds someone special to love her. Here's the email:
Staff at Dogs Trust Darlington, Co Durham, have launched an urgent appeal to dog lovers in the North East to foster a beautiful, partially blind and deaf puppy in their care.
Ivy, a white Whippet cross, was born at the rehoming centre in October. While the three month old pup’s six siblings have found homes, little Ivy was not so lucky.
Advice from veterinarian Nancy Kay on how to get thet best from your visits to the vet.
This article first appeared in Bark magazine Sept/Oct 2008 issue.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (http://www.speakingforspot.com/)
I: Thou shalt push thy veterinarian off her pedestal.
Today, the human-animal bond is stronger than ever. It seems as though the more tumultuous the world around us becomes, the tighter we cling to our beloved dogs. They soothe us with their predictability and unconditional love, and give in excess of what they receive. Imagine, then, the heartache when it’s necessary to cut back on a dog’s health care because of financial hardship. If you’re feeling the pinch (and who isn’t these days?), here are 10 things you can do to economize while still doing a great job caring for your dog’s health.
This article first appeared in Bark magazine May/June 2009 issue.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. ( http://www.speakingforspot.com/)
Today, the human-animal bond is stronger than ever. It seems as though the more tumultuous the world around us becomes, the tighter we cling to our beloved dogs. They soothe us with their predictability and unconditional love, and give in excess of what they receive. Imagine, then, the heartache when it’s necessary to cut back on a dog’s health care because of financial hardship. If you’re feeling the pinch (and who isn’t these days?), here are 10 things you can do to economize while still doing a great job caring for your dog’s health.
When paying a visit to a specialist for a second opinion, here are some suggestions for serving your dog’s best interest as well as maintaining harmony between you and the rest of your dog’s health care team.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. ( http://www.speakingforspot.com/)
When paying a visit to a specialist for a second opinion, here are some suggestions for serving your dog’s best interest as well as maintaining harmony between you and the rest of your dog’s health care team.
When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. ( http://www.speakingforspot.com/)
When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis.
I went to a training session of the Carry Ons Flyball Team yesterday to research for an article and get some interviews for DogCast Radio. It was fascinating and a lot of fun and I'm grateful to the team to having us there. One thing I noticed was how excited the dogs get when a race is on - the noise level went through the roof, but as soon as the race was over peace descended again. And those dogs are so fast. They race in faster and slower teams, but the difference between them is only around a couple of seconds.
I took this photo on a pier in St. George Island, Florida. She is 3 months old. Enjoy =)
black and white cocker spaniel
Our new puppy Pops was sent to us as fate had intervined.. After months of deciding which breed would most best suit our familly needs we finally agreed on the cocker spaniel.. with the rabbit ears and appealing nature.. February was when we hoped to have our dream come true and i was awaiting news from the breeder to select from the new pups that were born mid december.. However my son rang me up on the 18th very exited and told me the story of a puppy cocker spaniel of 12 weeks needing rehoming.. Of course i got him and havnt looked back.. Indeed a little poppet...