Here's a nice idea from Dogs Trust:
Sponsor a Dogs Trust rescue dog this Valentine’s Day
Faithful, really cute and remembers to send you a Valentine’s card. No, it’s not your knight in shining armour, but a Dogs Trust sponsor dog looking for the perfect partner this February 14th.
Angel loves the snow. She loves snow plowing with her face.
The snow seems like a distant memory now, but when it was here Buddy and Star had an encounter with a snowman. Just as they had got used to the field across the lane from us being covered in cold wet white stuff, the local children built a snowman. This was something new, an odd development in a usually flat area, and had to be carefully approached. It was interesting to watch their reactions.
They both noticed it as soon as we entered the field, and there was a slight stiffening in both their body language.
Alexandra Horowitz’s Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know offers a captivating view of doghood, one simultaneously grounded in strict science and sheer love. With a title whimsically drawn from a Groucho Marx quote (“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read”), the book manages to impart weighty biological and behavioral concepts in an entertaining way.
Buddy and Star with a snowman that initially spooked them.
The picture taken of my dog Jake was when he was still very young. Today, aged almost nine - he was sadly put to sleep as he had cancer. Nice to have his picture here still...and here one taken just a day or two before the end.
Indrik was 'helping' in the garden. :)