my poppy the english springer , she just loves a ball
poppy my nine month old springer happy after a swim and run in the mud
poppy the springer who could tell she had just been naughty
We have only had Annie for 1 month. She is the most affectionate Westie we have ever seen! She is very loving, eager to please and very submissive. She always stands on her hind legs when she wants something from you, and it's too cute. We had to put our 12 year old Westie (Molly) down earlier this year but it's almost scary how alike Annie is to Molly! Tonight, after finding yet another similarity w/ Molly, I looked down at Annie and asked "Molly, is that you?"
We took our dogs for a walk today. It was a hot day (by UK standards) so we knew we would have to keep it short, walk in the woods where it was shady, let them paddle in the river and give them lots of water to drink. And when we ate our lunch we would find a table in the shade where we would all sit together. Before we set out on the walk, Anthony and I both wanted to visit the toilets. I popped in first while he waited with the dogs, then he went in while I stood outside with the dogs.
Chiengora is knitting or weaving with dog hair - Fran Pike is an expert from gathering the fur to what items to make with it. Karen Wild is a dog trainer who enjoys working with people just as much as working with dogs, and has been involved in an innovative project at a school for children with special needs. In the DogCast Radio News hear about the dog whose house blew away, the dog who outgrew his house, and the dog whose mail chewing habits nearly brought him to a sticky end. Plus have we made dogs stupid simply by domesticating them? Sit, stay and listen!
Here's some great advice from the RCVS about vacation care for your dogs:
‘Include veterinary care in holiday plans,’ advises the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
If you are holidaying with your pet this summer, remember to find out about the arrangements for out-of-hours emergencies at a local veterinary practice before you go, advises the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).
This is my dear puppy-dog, Milo.
He is a really sweet and innocent little dog, that get's away with everything! I mean, look at that pretty face :P
Luna - a cat who stole the heart of a dog lover. She lived amongst dogs and held her own. She is remembered with love.