The Aricica team.
Save on the housework and teach your dog to tidy up! The dog had to pick up toys and deposit them in the big black container.
Temptation alley played as a team relay game.
Interesting game - three woofs then a down and the dog must be silent. Difficult to do when the dog is excited!
Which dog can take the longest to get back to their owner?
Buddy and Julie in action in the timed fetch game - how many retrieves can you manage in one minute?
Fetch the kong game. The dog has to fetch only kongs from amongst a variety of toys.
Musical chairs for dogs too!
Making provision for your dog in the event that you can't look after him - short or long term may be unpleasant but it's an issue you should consider. You can hear excellent advice on the subject from Dawn Antoniak Mitchell from the BonaFide Dog Academy in Episode 53 of DogCast Radio. Here's some more information on the subject:
Gemma Merna and her hounds promote nationwide sponsored event. Photo credit - Cavendish Press.
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