my baby charm is 7 months and weights 4 pounds. she loves to cuddle and dress pretty
Older dogs can find themselves stuck in rescue shelters simply because of their age, but Karen Litzinger knows the joys of adopting an older dog first hand, and in this interview she draws on her experiences with her dog Tika whom she adopted at the age of eleven.
From Crufts 2011 there are interviews about Cardigan Corgis and a unique assistance dog, plus Nikki Moustaki and host Julie discuss the two most prestigious shows in the dog world, Crufts and Westminster.
Flyball in the main arena at Crufts 2011.
Heelwork to music in the main arena at Crufts 2011.
This little Maltese dog was so cute! In Discover Dogs at Crufts 2011.
A gorgeous Husky gets a cuddle in Discover Dogs at Crufts 2011.
This is now my motto!
My moaning German Pointer, Peter!
Ruby having a kip, who says you need a dog bed??