Surf dog Ricochet is inspiring people to be the best they can, but her life was meant to take a different direction. There are many myths and misunderstandings about Greyhounds - we talk to an ex-racing Greyhound adopter to find out the truth. Plus find out what the DogCast Radio team have been up to, and hear the latest DogCast Radio News.
Who says it's all work for working dogs? Barbara Sykes gives Tess a tummy tickle.
Vikki Sykes demonstrates the next step after the pen in the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Vikki Sykes demonstrates the next step after the pen in the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Vikki Sykes demonstrating using the pen during the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Laidback Millie sleeps through the Sheepdog Experience - and lets the other dogs do all the work!
Vikki Sykes cuddling a young Border Collie at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Vikki Sykes helps Julie direct Pip on the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Experience.
Julie and Jim are in control of the sheep. Well, it's mainly Jim, but don't tell Julie that!
Vikki Sykes helps Jenny control young sheepdog Pip.