Zeus, on the bus for a day out.
Cat Hughes provides some excellent tips on socialising your puppy as smoothly as possible. Judy Rentrop gives advice in response to a listener's problem. Nick has news of a dog with and unusual problem, Julie has some great reviews - plus are you an owner or a guardian, and does it really matter?
Gordy is 5 years old!!!
I've been sent this email from a campaign that wants us to refer to ourselves as "guardians" rather than "owners". Now I'm not entirely in agreement with this campaign but I thought I'd post this to see what other people's reactions were. I know that in the US the word guardian, as opposed to owner, has gained popularity, but this is the first big push for such a move in the UK. My attitude is that I don't actually care what people call themselves as long as they meet their dog's needs and give them a good life.
From Rescue Me – How to successfully rehome a rescue dog
Spending time together and taking care of your dog will help to form a strong bond.
Dogs Trust, the UK dog charity with the famous slogan, “A dog is for life not just for Christmas,” has brought out a book called Rescue Me – How to successfully rehome a rescue dog which is full of useful advice about adopting a dog from a shelter. It starts with a section on choosing a rescue dog and covers such issues as what your lifestyle is like, whether to adopt a puppy or adult, big or small, and even one or two dogs. There’s advice on what to expect at the centre, and useful checklists clarify the advice in the text.
Joe Inglis and his dog Jack.