Here's Marlee, our rare, black and tan, wooly coated 5 month old female.
Have you ever had to complain about your vet? Would you know who to complain to? Are you aware of what disciplinary procedures exist? Please help the Bella Moss Foundation and take a couple of minutes to answer the four questions below. You can email you answers direct to the Bella Moss Foundation at or email me at and I will forward it to Jill.
Latest news fro the Bella Moss Foundation:
BMF at BVNA 2011
The Bella Moss Foundation was founded in 2005 by Jill Moss following the untimely death of her dog, Bella, to MRSA in 2004. It has grown from strength to strength on the vision of one woman and the legacy to one dog now helping animals and their owners worldwide in the prevention, treatment, awareness and education surrounding MRSA and other resistant bacterial infections.
When dog lovers pull together they can achieve big things - even within a small community as this latest news from my local Dogs Trust shelter shows:
- Dogs Trust Shrewsbury receives £1,200 from local fundraisers
The staff and dogs at Dogs Trust Shrewsbury are over the moon this week as they received an amazing £1,200 donated by a local fundraising group who call themselves “Hair of the Dog” and are based in Coalbrookdale in Shropshire.
This week is the Pedigree Adoption Drive and even if you can't adopt a dog yourself, you can still get involved and help raise money to save dogs' lives. Here's more information from Pedigree:
At Pedigree we believe that every dog deserves a loving home.
Last year over 120,000 dogs were abandoned in the UK. And 7,571 of those dogs had to be put down.
Benny, my Golden Schipperke. This colour is recognised by the UK Kennel Club, but the Americans don't allow it yet, although there is a movement in the USA which is promoting this colour variety.
Rusty knows how to relax!
Back for the 19th year, Westminster Dog of the Year has once again caught the competitive spirit of MPs across the country. In the face of strong competition from a Conservative group of entrants, Neil Parish and his Labrador Wilberforce were announced the proud winners of the hotly anticipated title.
Back for the 19th year, Westminster Dog of the Year has once again caught the competitive spirit of MPs across the country. In the face of strong competition from a Conservative group of entrants, Neil Parish and his Labrador Wilberforce were announced the proud winners of the hotly anticipated title.
When Sadie had an unfortunate encounter with a rattlesnake the race was on th save her life - but that was just the beginning. Where should dogs sleep? - Debbie Connolly and Nick Jones discuss the issue. Plus the DogCast Radio News and a review of Gentle Dog Training by Michael Hasbrouck.