Dogs Name: Wynona
Dogs Name: Nemo
He is a very loving dog. Takes care of my little six year old brother.
Dogs Name: LUCY
Owners Name: DEB & NICKY
Here's Lucy in the gardens eating leaves.
Dogs Name: LUCY
Owners Name: DEB & NICK
Just lounging around!!
Dogs Name: Cascade
Owners Name: Gina
This is Cas my rescue border collie who is working Grade 6 Agility and Advanced Canine Freestyle in the UK having competed at Crufts in 2008.
Dogs Name: Pogo
Owners Name: TMKC
Great personality - He owns us. We're glad to be his pick.
Dogs Name: Chewy
Owners Name: Ann
This cuty loves to chew on everything.
Dogs Name: Charlie (female)
Owners Name: Heidi Jo Kaplan
Love's to play fetch and bark at squirles. She has very good mannerisms but can also be very weird about things. Oh so cute.