Dogs Name: Jack(with his bro Sam)
Owners Name: Andy
Best dog!! Fun,Energetic, Obedient, Gorgeous! Friendly-- Just a great pet/friend to have
Dogs Name: Molly
Owners Name: Warfords
Molly is 1.5 yrs old. We adopted her from a shelter. She is our first dog and she is wonderful with our kids! And she is beautiful to us.
Dogs Name: Blaze Tiberius
Owners Name: T Smith
Dogs Name: lucy
Owners Name: nick and deb from scarborough
our little lucy at 4 months old.
Dogs Name: Olive
Dogs Name: Bella
Owners Name: CT
The love of our life!
Dogs Name: Flo
Flo is 7yrs old she is a very happy dog that loves to play tug and chase.i think she is the most adorable JR
Dogs Name: Akita
Owners Name: Priscilla
This is my baby Akita. He passed away on march 9, 2008. He was the best dog ever
Dogs Name: Champ
Owners Name: LD Sailopal
Dogs Name: Ethel
Owners Name: KC