Dogs Name: Amber
Owners Name: Gowri
Amber loves to run around and is extra friendly to everyone!
Dogs Name: ZANDO
Owners Name: ASHA
THis is very clever dog it can listen every command t
Dogs Name: Themo
Owners Name: Olia
This cutie is a notorious trouble-maker. Distraction and mayhem are his middle-names. Yet, I wouldn't exchange him for no other. He is adorable and incredibly devoted to me and the family.
Dogs Name: NANOOK
Owners Name: James Barnes
she's 10 months old and totally insane a right pain but love her loads and would'nt be without her
Dogs Name: zack
Owners Name: david martin
Dogs Name: Dixie
Dogs Name: LEX
Dogs Name: Merlin
Adopted us at 11 months of age. Now 19 months old. Thief of Hearts. Slancer of Socks. Eater of anything.
Dogs Name: Maggye
Owners Name: Maryse
Dogs Name: Petey
Owners Name: Cinnamon
This is my honey he's 9 months old. He loves to go for walks,play chase, and cuddle under the covers...He's my best friends