Dogs Name: inky
Owners Name: sue
our dear inky in Germany, his first experience of snow. Sadly he passed away aged 14,in 2003. He was an absolute delight.
Dogs Name: Maci Marie
Owners Name: Krissy
Maci is the most intelligent,and acrobatic
dog I have ever seen
her face says \LOVE ME!\
Dogs Name: Dutchess
This is our son when he was barely a year old with our dog Dutchess. Dutchess was over a year old when we got her, she is not registered or anything but she is sweet nontheless..and has an extremely strong personality! Enjoy.
Dogs Name: Chai Bella
Owners Name: Heil famly
Dogs Name: Chai Bella
Owners Name: Heil family
Dogs Name: Pepi
Owners Name: Paul And Linda
The Best Friend Ive Ever Had, Will Miss Him So So Much , Died 14th 2nd 2008 The Pain In My Heart Just Wont Go Away,,,Love You Always Pepi Age 16...
Dogs Name: Tequila
Owners Name: pahs
My dog givin me his hand!!!!
Dogs Name: Bart and Pal
Owners Name: Suzonne and Patrick
These two love each other. Bart is 2 with lots of energy, and Pal is almost 6 and a couch potato.
Dogs Name: Fluffy
Owners Name: Célia Santos
I hope you like it.
Dogs Name: Watson
Owners Name: Jett and Ron
He's so cute