Why did so many dog lovers express outrage and disappointment when Keith Lemon (Leigh Francis) give away a puppy on his ITV show Keith Lemon's Lemonaid? Why did his actions send out such a dangerous message?
If you were watching Keith Lemon's Lemonaid on Saturday 28th April you'd have seen a dog given as a competition prize. What's your reaction? Did you just think, “Aw!”, or do you know enough about dogs to understand what a disaster the incident was for dog welfare?
Defra recently revealed Government plans to tackle irresponsible dog ownership - you can read Defra's statement and how to respond in this previous blogpost. There has been disappointment within the dog world that the proposals didn't really tackle the issue of how to deal with dangerous dogs. The RSPCA is currently running a campaign called 42 Teeth - "All dogs have 42 teeth, but only some have irresponsible owners."
Dogs Trust launches policy document on irresponsible dog ownership
Dogs Trust this week called on MPs to join the charity in tackling irresponsible dog ownership at its annual House of Commons reception hosted by Jim Fitzpatrick MP.
Dogs Trust has welcomed the announcement that a public consultation on compulsory microchipping is now underway by the Welsh Government.
This is Bridget, the 10 year old Yorkshire Terrier who lost two puppies of her own, and is now fostering a litter of kittens at the Humane Society of Utah. Apparently Bridget and her babies are all doing very well.
Take care,
Julie xx
The best dog ever, We had to give him away:(
Profile of the ever popular Golden Retiever, Bark Night, a celebration of our dogs, plus the DogCast Radio news, Dogs for the Disabled's Big Dog's Breakfast and more.
The Perfect Rotweiler...:)
Very Friendly....(sometimes..:p)