Dogs name: olivia
Owners Name: riccardo - italy
italian jrt mascotte of the italian coast guard
Dogs name: olivia
Owners Name: riccardo - italy
italian jrt mascotte of the italian coast guard
Dogs name: olivia
Owners Name: riccardo - italy
mascotte of the italian coast guard
Dogs name: princess
Owners Name: james wright
This is Princass our loyal companion for 11 years.Now sadly deceased owing to a sudden illness.
Gone but never forgotten.
Dogs name: Shadow(left)Buck(right
Owners Name: Daniel and Patricia Coy
They are the best dogs to have for a family.
Dogs name: Homer - Jay
Owners Name:
Just showing the bits that will hurt after the op!
Dogs name: Homer - Jay
Owners Name:
At 14 weeks.....How Cute Is That????????
Dogs name: the rizzo dog
Owners Name: Jimbo
this is the "anti-jack"! non barker, loves kids cats dogs people and sleep!!
Dogs name: Kaiser
Owners Name: Kasey
Dogs name: Dorie
Owners Name: Tom and Wendy
I'm so relaxed!!!!