Dogs name: King Edward Spud
Owners Name: Cerys
Just topping up my tan
Dogs name: Spud
Owners Name: Cerys
If looks could kill
Dogs name: Dudley and Lola
Owners Name: Hannah
They are boyfriend and girlfriend!
Dogs name: Dewey Blair
Owners Name: Harry Moy
he is lazy
Dogs name: Homer and Saffie
Owners Name: Jeff and Mandy
Saffie is the new addition to our family, a playmate for Homer.Bassets are like chocolates - one is never enough - be warned!! BASSETS RULE!!
Dogs name: Lilly
Owners Name: Tobi Perrault
She is a mini dachshund. She is so cute!
Dogs name: Brandy Lynn
Owners Name: Tobi Perrault
She is chow chow, american ossey, sibirian husky, and sharpey. she is 6 years.
Dogs name: leo
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Angel Beautystem Meyers
Owners Name: Ceacea Nicole Meyers
She is actually part border collie but you can't tell.She is extremly smart and friendly!I love her so much she was my first dog!!!<3
Dogs name: Jojo Mojo Meyers
Owners Name: Ceacea Nicole Meyers
I love him not a small dog person though big dogs rock he's a lil rut!!!!<33 him though