Dogs name: max
Owners Name: chaz
max trained in obedience protection and agility
Dogs name: Paco
Owners Name: Sylvia
Doesn't he just have the prettiest smile! :-D
Dogs name: muymuy
Owners Name:
he's so cute and adorable! i love pugs!
Dogs name: Miss Moon
Owners Name: Sara Decker
Of course she had to try out the festive pillows for quality control - that's her dog job!
Dogs name: Fred
Owners Name: Toby
Dogs name: baily
Owners Name: claire
baily at 4 mths old
Dogs name: Jackie and Leah
Owners Name: Rhaye
They are from the same litter, and Leah is the runt. Even though she is the runt, she is the boss! lol. She is the brown and white one. Jackie is the black, brown and white one.
Dogs name: Sebastian
Owners Name: Cheryl
Sebastian is 14months old and he didnt want to smile the day this pic was taken>
Dogs name: Buddy
Owners Name: Mary and Drew
He was a stray, we believe he is two years old and a border terrier.
Dogs name: Toshiro
Owners Name:
just can't stop loving my baby boy=)