Rusty enjoys walks where he can chase a ball.
The Dudmaston Estate car park, start of one of the Walking with Boomerang walks in Bridgnorth.
A bit more honest dogshaming. It's the latest Internet craze to publish photos of dogs listing their "crime" - let's turn the tables!
There are so many dog toys on offer that sometimes it can be difficult to know what to choose for your dog. But when you've made your choice and bought it, do you know how to get the most out of a toy with your dog? Plus hear about Hayley the fundraising Basset Hound.
My Maltese, Shih Tzu, Chihuahua with Yellow eyes and a cute stripe on her nose. 8 Months old and super playful and sweet.
If we're going to go in for dogshaming, let's at least have a bit of honesty!
First Ever National Dinner Party Just One Month Away
Nationwide initiative to raise funds for Hounds for Heroes spearheaded by a man on a mission
London (UK), 16 August 2012: The first ever Dogs Dinner – a nationwide initiative to raise funds for Hounds for Heroes – is fast approaching.
Scope for improvement
As the changes to the sentencing guidelines have come into effect Dogs Trust commends the tougher revisions, but would welcome radical changes to existing legislation that better protect the public and welfare of dogs. Whilst the new guidelines will encourage courts to focus on the key factors of culpability, the charity hopes they will act as a salient reminder to dog owners of their responsibility.
Says Clarissa Baldwin, Dogs Trust Chief Executive:
Team GB Paralympic swimmer Emma Hollis visits Dogs Trust Loughborough
On Friday 17th August, Team GB Paralympic swimmer Emma Hollis took a break from her training for the games to visit the Wymeswold-based rehoming centre. Whilst there she met dogs of all shapes and sizes including Bess the seven year-old Lurcher who she took a particular shine too.
Says Emma:
Just about everyone's heard of, if not read Fifty Shades of Grey - but did you know that a gentle romance involving dog owners belonging to a walking group replaced it as Amazon UK's best selling ebook? That book is Alice Peterson's Monday to Friday Man.