Dogs name: Mack
Owners Name: Pinky
Dogs name: Logan
Owners Name: Paul
Logan is a trip! He loves to run circles and play with his brother Jericho (his Sibe brother). He has minor seperation anxiety, but if left with enough toys, he does just fine.
Dogs name: Ice
Owners Name: Ellie Maddams
He is VERY soppy and cute !!!!!
Dogs name: Henry
Owners Name: shazza
henry sitting on his bum begging for my food xx
Dogs name: Henry
Owners Name: Shannon
Henry begging for my food!!
Dogs name: Copper
Owners Name: Oliver and Ashleigh
Our beautiful rescue dog Cop Dop! Such a joy! We have another springer called Harry who is quiet in comparison. Copper has more energy than any dog I have ever met!
Dogs name: Sebastian Leopold
Owners Name: R & S
Sebastian is the love of our lives! We adore him, as he seems and acts like he adores us also. Very affectionate, loving and gentle with our cats. He's a GREAT DOG!
Dogs name: CRYSTAL
Dogs name: Bailey
Owners Name: Chrissy Thompson
Bailey is amazing! We are amazed everyday at how smart she is. She is very energetic and a little mischievous, and she loves people and attention.
Dogs name: Clifford and Wally
Owners Name: