Dogs name: chi-sai zoe
Owners Name: lisa
zoe loves roadtrips! this is from one of many we take together!
Dogs name: Butterscotch
Owners Name: Mandy
Her tongue hangs out of her mouth 24/7!!! She is a really good dog!! Our family just loves her!!
Dogs name: Jacki
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Moby
Owners Name:
This is my sweet sweet sweet sweet dog Moby, I always call him Moby Dick after the whale.
He comes from Belgium.
He is very lazy and he likes to sleep in my bed under the blankets :D
Right now he is sleeping on the kitchen floor!
He also loves his toys, as you can see on the picture.
Dogs name: Lex
Owners Name: John
Lex was the prettiest, most well behaved and most willing to please dog ever, he went everywhere with our family and kids, loved us all and eventually lost his life trying to get back to us in an unfortunate unforseen accident. We miss him terribly, he was beautiful - inside and out!!!
Dogs name: BOO
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Abigail von Barksalot (Abbey for short)
Owners Name: Lorrie
Abbey is always thanking us for her world's largest water dish!
Dogs name: Nala Reshay Fulcher
Owners Name: Sarah Fulcher
My dog/baby is gonna turn 1 in August!I have had her since she was 3 weeks and I got 2 bottle feed her!
Dogs name: Walter
Owners Name:
he is the best dog in the entire world he makes me feel so safe that it isn't even funny:)
Dogs name: Walter
Owners Name: Michelle Heckley
walter is almost six he is the best dog in the entire worrlld i love him so much rottys are the greatest DOGS EVER