Dogs name: Santo
Owners Name: nano
Mi perro es el mas lindo no se si es puro es bonito?
Dogs name: Matheo
Owners Name:
Matheo mi bebe
Dogs name: Tyson
Owners Name: Nadia Rosario
Tyson is my purebred puppy 4 mounts old, he born december 24 2006, i love him! look how handsome is :D German Sheperd are the best! ATT: Nadia From Dominican Republic
Dogs name: Ezekiel
Owners Name: Chris Vestal
Our beautiful boy!
Dogs name: Valie and Stoffel
Owners Name:
This is my new 2 children. The one ont he left is 8 weeks old and the one on the right is 6 weeks old. Love them to bits.
Dogs name: bosca
Owners Name:
He's a big boy.
Taller than most borders. (17" at the shoulder)
Here he is hanging out with his pal who is an Australian Terrier. (They match the couch)
Dogs name: Brutus
Owners Name: Dawn Virgin
He is a small dog with a HUGE heart who thinks hes the biggest breed around
Dogs name: Quinn
Owners Name:
Such a lady killer!
Dogs name: Kip
Owners Name: Chris Davies
Dogs name: Finn
Owners Name: Lindsey and Mark
Finn's first time in the snow. Jan. 2007 (4mo.)