Dogs name: ROCKSY
Owners Name: lizzy
she love ice in her water love to play and run.
Dogs name: Maybel
Owners Name:
Dogs name: George
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Dogs name: Luca
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Dogs name: Libby
Owners Name: Michele
This is my baby....feroucious or what!! She is the first rottie ive ever had and shes been a pleasure to have. Am so sick of everyones reaction to her tho! :-(
Dogs name: Baba
Owners Name: Silvana
Dogs name: Herb
Owners Name:
Herb is a very loving and playful dog we love him so much
Dogs name: Sonna
Owners Name: Katelyn
We got sonna after my old dog kia died(siberian huskie)sonna is 9 months and will be a year in july! she is very very pretty and affectionite but is very protective she is more attatched to me and than anyone elses lol when me and my brother fake fight she jumps ontop of me and like stares my brother down and then chases him away lol she likes walks and car rides and going to the abrn to see all the horses sonna got out of our house once and she just layed down and waited for my dad to come get her thanx god i wasent home because i would ball my eyes out(another episode of kia and cars)i love my sonna very much shes a big girl and our vet said shes going to get a lot bigger! but i love her with allll my heart!
Dogs name: Sinnamon
Owners Name: Katrina
This is my awesome playful beagle sinni! she will rock your socks off!:-)
Dogs name: Keala
Owners Name: Julie Roy
Keala is a 5 year old long hair GSD who is full of energy. She competed in agilty until 2006 when she had a 2nd stomach torsion (GDV). Beware of this condition it is life threatening and common in the breed.