Dogs name: olivia
Owners Name: laura
olivia is a 9 months puppy, she is the best!!!
Dogs name: olivia
Owners Name: laura
she is really funny...
Dogs name: olivia
Owners Name: laura
olivia is a 9 months sweet puppy, she is the best!
Dogs name: OHANA
Owners Name: ADRIANA
Dogs name: Rooby
Owners Name: Victoria
He is the best dog anyone could ever have! He is so funny and make everyone laugh!
Dogs name: Prince
Owners Name:
He is so verry playfull and full or energy he is 1yr and 3months right now
Dogs name: kaiser
Owners Name: Seth Herald
he is the coolest dog in the world
Dogs name: Mack
Owners Name: Danielle
Mack is a 7 month old Labradoodle. He is a very sweet, and very smart dog!
Dogs name: rafa/this is him when he is older
Owners Name: lewis
he is all skinny here because we have just stripped his rough coat off him!he is so smooth now.
Dogs name: mirra
Owners Name: Christophe BIebauw
here she was 12 weeks old