Dogs name: c.c.
Owners Name: ????
she is 3 yrs old she is soo cute
Dogs name: Aldous
Owners Name:
He loves sleeping in the sun!
Dogs name: Buster
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Nellie
Owners Name:
These dogs are so cute!
Dogs name: Cody Stott
Owners Name: Anatol Stott
Dogs name: steel
Owners Name: rachel
this is my dog he 2 i love him but i cant take him anywhere he freeks out.............
Dogs name: jack, charley, and pup louis
Owners Name: mandy
Jack and Charley dont like sharing the limelight with their pup Louis, the body language says it all.
Dogs name: Galaxy
Owners Name: barry and kim
Dogs name: Davor & Lana
Owners Name: Kaniel
Davor 9 years, Lana 6 months on this pic.
Dogs name: Lana
Owners Name: Kaniel
Lana 9 months on this pic.