Government to implement compulsory microchipping in England and Wales
The Kennel Club has today pledged to gift microchip scanners to every local authority in England and Wales in support of the government’s decision to introduce compulsory microchipping for all dogs.
All dogs must be microchipped in the UK from 2016.
Government decides all dogs in England must be microchipped:
Battersea and other charities to offer free chipping
Today’s Government decision that all dogs in England must be microchipped by April 2016 has been warmly welcomed by leading animal charity Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.
The ruling gives dog owners over three years to ensure their dog is chipped, and for some who have experienced the trauma of their dog going missing in the past, today’s news is common sense and can’t come quick enough.
Richard Moore from Dogs Trust demonstrates microchipping. All UK dogs must be microchipped from 2016.
Clarissa Baldwin CEO Dogs Trust Owen Paterson and Richard Moore Dogs Trust.
Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, has hailed the Government’s commitment to introduce compulsory microchipping for all dogs as a watershed for dog welfare.
Dogs Trust has long campaigned for the introduction of compulsory microchipping, which has proven to be the most effective way of ensuring lost dogs are returned to their owners.
All dogs in England will need to be microchipped to help tackle the growing problem of strays roaming the streets, Environment Secretary Owen Paterson announced today.
Each year more than 100,000 dogs are dumped or lost at a cost of £57 million to the taxpayer and welfare charities.
Buster is allergic to grass and has been having fun in the snow at Dogs Trust Darlington.
Buster is allergic to grass and has been havign fun in the snow at Dogs Trust Darlington.
Treibball is the latest dog sport - hear all about it from Sandi Pensinger. Toni Shelbourne talks about her book The Truth about Wolves and Dogs which questions alpha theories. Plus hear in the DogCast Radio News how you can vote to keep the dog token in Monoploy and join in the latest online fad of Find Momo.