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RSPCA warning pet owners of ‘secret poison’ found in baking products and chewing gum

‘Xylitol’ is a sweetener found in many everyday food stuffs and is toxic to animals

The RSPCA is warning about the hazards to pets from an ingredient called Xylitol.

New statistics show that The Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS) received 102 enquiries about xylitol last year. More than in 2013 (91) and 2012 (98).

Around 35 per cent of these cases involved chewing gum including sugar free gum. Others involve medicines including nicotine gums and throat lozenges also containing xylitol.

Battersea combats rare life-threatening condition with the help of a high-chair

An unlikely item of furniture has saved the life of a Labrador puppy from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, who used a doggy high-chair to survive a life-threatening illness meaning he couldn’t swallow food properly.

Episode 162 - Keller the double Merle and making training fun

Released Sat October 31, 2015
Length: 0:52:57
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In this show you can hear trainer Lyn Dubois explain how training can be fun, and the benefits of making it fun. Lyn also gives us an insight into the amazing behaviours she has taught her Belgian Shepherd, Tammy. Listen to Amanda Fuller talking about the dangers of double merle matings, and how her dog Keller copes with being a double merle. The consequences of double merle matings affects many breeds and the UK Kennel Club will not register double merle pups. Plus hear about the French Bulldog who had a surprising encounter with two bears.

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Puppies not as precious as scrap metal under English law, claims RSPCA

RSPCA launches #ScrapThePuppyTrade campaign to bring in laws to protect puppies from callous and cruel puppy dealers
Puppies are being treated worse than scrap metal, according to the RSPCA which today launched a petition calling on the UK Government to clamp down on people selling sick dogs in England.

Due to its low cost, low risk and high yield appeal, puppy dealing is an attractive option for people willing to make money at the expense of puppies’ health and welfare and the heartache of families up and down the country.

Undercover RSPCA SOU inspector lifts the lid on what it is like to expose callous puppy dealers

“All each puppy wants is to be cuddled, loved and feel safe... the reality is very different”

“As a Special Operations Unit Inspector investigating the puppy trade comes as quite a challenge. The activity of selling puppies in itself is not illegal yet the volume of suffering puppies can be staggering.

The first thing that becomes very apparent with some of the cases I’ve investigated is that these poor puppies are nothing but a commodity to the dealers.

Episode 161 - Hands on First and Help! My Dog's Scared of Fireworks

Released Sat September 12, 2015
Length: 0:50:55
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Have you heard of the practice of dog trucking? It's a growing problem in parts of the USA, and Melissa McCue McGrath want to get the message across that you should have #HandsOnFirst. People seem to let fireworks off at more times of the year, so if your dog is afraid of the loud bangs involved, it can be miserable for both of you. Toni Shelbourne and Karen Bush have written a book that will help your dog relax during firework season - but you need to take action now!

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Long stay Husky swaps kennels for care homes and wins top prize at Battersea’s Annual Reunion and Fun Day

A four year old Husky from Orpington, Kent stole the show and was given the ultimate accolade of being crowned Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s Best Battersea Dog, which was sponsored by, at the charity’s Annual Reunion and Fun Day on Sunday 6 September.

Almost ten thousand animal lovers and their canine companions were in Battersea Park to enjoy the spectacle and make new friends.

Sit? Paw? Battersea’s search is on for London’s most obedient dog

Can your dog sit on command or wait while you walk away? How are they at coming back to you when called? Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is calling for London’s most obedient dogs to rally on Sunday 6 September for an elimination of the rebellious, where only the cleverest canines will be crowned ‘top dog’.

The obedience elimination is just one of many classes on offer at Battersea’s Annual Reunion and Fun Day in Battersea Park – the highlight of the charity’s canine social calendar.

Episode 160 - No Walks? No Worries! and Pets and the Afterlife

Released Sat August 22, 2015
Length: 1:07:40
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This show is a mix of the practical and the spiritual. Hear trainer and behaviourist Sian Ryan talk about her authoritative book No Walks? No Worries!, and find out how to take the stress, worry and boredom out of crate rest. Listen to Rub Gutro discuss the experiences which led him to write Pets and the Afterlife Messages from Beyond.

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Abandoned blind springer spaniel needs an extra special home

A blind dog who was tied to a pallet of bricks and left to die is searching for a very special new home.

Delphine the springer spaniel captured the hearts of the nation after being dumped in a remote lane in Maidstone, Kent in May.

The terrified dog had ear infections and cataracts in both eyes which left her almost blind. Thanks to donations from the public Delphine had specialist veterinary treatment and although her sight could not be restored she is recovering well from her ordeal and now needs a new home.