I recently interviewed Dawn Marcus, M.D., about her intriguing book Fit as Fido. Her interview, which is full of advice about the life and health lessons you can learn from you dog will be in an upcoming episode of DogCast Radio, but to whet your appetite check out her video on You Tube. I love what Dawn has to sat about what her dog has taught her, and she's absolutely right; if we lived a little more like our dogs we'd be a lot better off in many ways.
I know from the feedback we've had that some of you love Huskies, so I thought you'd appreciate these photos on the Boston Globe website. They show not only the beauty of the dogs, but also the power of them in action, and the closeness of the bond between them and their handlers. They show dogs participating in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, in which teams cover 1,868 km (1,161 mi), taking 8 to 12 days to do so. That's amazing isn't it?
Have you seen this story about a Pyrenean mountain dog traveling on the London underground?
It was the last day of Crufts - and rumours abounded. Protestor on the loose were the general gist of the rumours, and the rumour mill was certainly in full flow. As we were walking in, a friend phoned. She had bought season tickets for Crufts, but had heard on the radio about the protests at the show, and wanted to know how bad were they? I told her I was standing at the front of the NEC and there wasn't a protester in sight. This was about 9.20a.m.
Later in the day we counted fourteen protestors.
Show dogs at Crufts.
Endal became Allen Parton's assistance dog - the rest is history!
I've seen many celebrities in the press room at Crufts, and I've always left them in peace, as they're usually on a break or eating a quick meal or snack and I don't want to intrude. However, I saw one yesterday that I couldn't resist asking if I could approach. It was Endal, the dog of the millennium. His story is amazing
, he and Allen Parton found each other when each was in a very dark place, with a future that looked bleak. Despite that Endal became Allen's assistance dog, and the bond between them is heart warming. I can't read the story without my eyes filling up - but you know by now I'm like that about dogs!
We got more great material recorded at the second day of Crufts. We spoke to TV vet Marc Abraham, who is the co-founder of ThePet.net. He and co-founder Andrew Seel are using the power of the Internet to let pet owners tell one another about businesses that are pet friendly. If you have a business you'd like to recommend, check out their awards. Marc is also the veterinary adviser to the Kennel Club, and you can find his blog on the Crufts site.
Marc was helping Jill Moss promote the right messages about MRSA and other serious infections on the Bella Moss Foundation stand. We caught up with Jill and she had some useful advice for dog owners worried about MRSA.