So I finally got to see the film Marley & Me. Guess what? I cried. I don't mean sniffling in my tissue, and a bit of demure wiping of the odd tear away, I mean the kind of heartfelt sobs that shake you, and leave you fighting to draw the next breath in. I mean when your face screws up of its own accord, your mouth twitches and you feel a wail rising from deep inside you, and doing its best to escape you. (Of course I suppressed the wail for the benefit of those around me.)
Here's a video to make you smile -Alfie the dog who nearly didn't survive due to a serious heart problem has reached his first birthday. You can read Alfie's story in his blog and Emma the kind and devoted woman who rescued and got him the treatment he needed has contributed an article to the DogCast Radio article section.
Hi we are back from our holiday, which was great. There has been sad new while we were away, with the death of that wonderful dog Endal. I was so sad to hear of his passing, and so glad that we got to meet him. You can read more about Endal in Beverley Cuddy's blog - but be prepared to cry.
Jewel and Tia were adopted from the breeder when they were retired. Jewel is now 10 years old and Tia is 6. Jewel is Tia's mother. They are my sprites and bring an energy to our house that was missing.
Koda, our sweet boy!
This is Jovi my seven month old border collie. He is very playful and loves being around people. He's like my second shadow.
Angel is a little over a year and loves to cuddle!