The Dog Whisperer in question here is Graeme Sims. The story of how Graeme became so eloquent in canine communication could be the subject of a book all on its own, and much of this is included. Dogs had always been a part of Graeme's life, but it was the arrival of a Border Collie, Annie, who changed the course of his life, possibly saving it. With Annie, Graeme rebuilt his self confidence, and together they became an excellent team.
No sooner does Victoria Stilwell put out an appeal for anyone interested in appearing in It's Me or the Dog, than Cesar Milan is on the lookout for dog problems to solve!
Do you have a badly behaved dog and a desire to be on television? Well this is for you, because the It's Me or The Dog Team are looking for new "talent" for the show. They are particularly looking for dogs who behave badly around pools, so if that is you and our dog, here's hoping you get to make a splash! You'll find the details of how to apply below:
Now Casting: “IT’S ME OR THE DOG” on Animal Planet!
Does your dog pull and strain ahead when you are out walking? Would you like to achieve the harmony of having him walk calmly at your heel? Then get involved with Dog Train and Behave Week, which this year is focusing on walking on lead. There are tips on the site from expert trainers such as Dr. Roger Mugford, Victoria Stilwell, and Gwen Bailey that will benefit you and your dog wherever you live.
Here's the press release about the event:
Dog Train & Behave Week Takes the Lead with Free Advice
Since dogs can't talk to us, there are many subjects about which we will never know the truth. Of course we can all form opinions on these subjects (informed or otherwise!) and argue about the til we're blue in the face. One of these issues which is certain to have me spluttering, leaving comments and firing off emails signed off as "Outraged of Shropshire", is that of whether dogs love us. According to author Jon Katz they don't.
Just been alerted to a horrible news story in Ireland. According to the Dublin SPCA and the Ulster SPCA a puppy farm near Moate has an outbreak of Canine Brucellosis (Brucella canis). This is a virulent disease that affects fertility in dogs, and can be very difficult to recognise. gave out their Pet Friendly awards at the Ultimate Pet Show at the weekend. One of the surprise findings of the awards is that the West Midlands is the pet friendliest area in the UK. No surprise to us Midlanders of course, we already knew we're a friendly bunch! Good to know there are so many venues that welcome your dog. Hope they all get lots more dog owning customers now.
Here's the news from
West Midlands is officially the most pet-friendly place in the UK!
I'm so proud tonight - Jenny and Star passed their Bronze Good Citizen award tonight. They came home with a certificate and a rosette, and a feeling of achievement. This scheme is run by most Kennel Clubs around the world, so wherever you live, check out if your KC offer the awards. There are three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold - and each level is an eight week course. You can take each level again, if you don't quite make it the first time.