I had the pleasure of interviewing Kate Nicholas this week. Kate and her gorgeous dog Gin were thrown into the spotlight when they made it to the finals of Britain's Got Talent. Since then their popularity has grown, and Kate and Gin have continued to develop as a partnership. They delight crowds with their displays of doggy dancing, and Gin is a whiz at flyball.
So when the time came to add another member to their pack, how did Kate go about it? And how has the newcomer - Ice - settled in? You can hear Kate answering those questions and more in this weekend's
If you're in the UK on June 30th why not go along to the Macmillan Dog Day at the Royal Chelsea Gardens in London?
Here's more information:
Join Equafleece at the Macmillan Dog Day and help raise funds for cancer care
Equafleece, the outdoor clothing specialists for dogs and their owners, will be presenting Macmillan Cancer Support with a cheque at the charity's 2009 fundraising Dog Day.
Kate and Gin and Ice.
Equafleece, the outdoor clothing specialists for dogs and their owners, will be presenting Macmillan Cancer Support with a cheque at the charity’s 2009 fundraising Dog Day.
Here's the latest news from CAPS:
Elite Animals of West Hollywood Meet with Animal Protection Movement Leaders at City Hall
Companion Animal Protection Society's Along with Animal Activists Believe that Elite Animals is Selling Pet Factory Animals and Defrauding Consumers
I blogged yesterday about the great success the amazing SOFA Club is having with their campaign to have microchipping made a legal requirement in the UK. I thought it was really positive news, so I was surprised to receive the following tweet from
BethanneElion "This is terrible news. Microchips proven to cause cancerous tumors on site. They should be banned."
Here's the latest news from SOFA (speaking Out For Animals) that intrepid and charming group of youngsters and their indefatigable teacher who are campaigning to have microchipping of dogs made a legal requirement. Seems like they are well on the way - and the best of luck to them!
If you're a UK resident please follow the link below to help support the campaign:
Dear Supporters,
Thank you for your support of SOFA's microchipping campaign; we do really appreciate it.
We've had another example of how dangerous trying to save our dogs can be. It seems our protective side kicks in and we don't think of our own safety. Last week we had the incredibly sad news of the couple following their dogs into a swollen river to rescue their dogs, with neither humans or dogs surviving. This week we have the equally sad news of a mother-of-three and the sister-in-law of comedian Ruby Wax dying while trying to get her dogs away from a train track.
There is currently an advert on a website for a litter of pups. Nothing wrong with that you may say, but this advert is horrifying. The pups are one day old but according to the seller the bitch has no milk and is not interested in her litter, so the pups are "ready now". In other words, those tiny puppies, who have not even the protection of antibodies from their mother's milk, will be hurried off to new homes as quickly as possible, at £300 (around $550) per pup.