Mother and Son, Duke and Sheba, desperate for a home together
Believe it or not there are people in my life who don't like my dogs.
What do you do when you want to eat out with your dogs? We are often out and about with Buddy and Star when we want to grab a bite to eat. Far too often the cafe or shop we buy from will not allow dogs. I was surprised to discover that, in the UK at least, there is no law banning dogs from venues that serve food. There is legislation banning dogs from food preparation areas, that's all. So why do so many places ban dogs? It's annoying to say the least.
The few places we have found that welcome our dogs we return to again and again, and recommend them to other dog owners.
These dogs were left tied up outside while the owners ate inside.
Eating outside - because the cafe didn't take dogs.
Priceless moment at the dog park
Dogs Trust has a new offer out. Dogs Trust promise to never put a healthy dog down, and I have seen firsthand the lengths they will go to not only to find dogs a new home, but to enhance the lives of those they look after long term.
Here's the offer:
Are you or someone you know a pet owner? Becoming a member of Dogs Trust means you'll get all these great benefits for just £20 a year (or only £10 if you are aged 60 or over).
Apparently Training dogs the Woodhouse Way 'makes them more aggressive'. Researchers at the University of Bristol have studied dogs at a Dogs Trust centre and re-examined footage of wild dog behaviour. They have found that heavy handed treatment of dogs leads the dogs in turn to become aggressive to avoid that treatment.
I must admit that from the blurb on the back of the book, this sounded more like a ‘how to’ book than it actually is. I am not saying that is a bad thing. Reading about Elizabeth’s wonderful journey from business woman to healer is truly inspiring and the book is filled with heart warming case studies to demonstrate Elizabeth’s work. Quite often she is not only healing the animals but the owners too. This holistic approach really got me thinking about how our own feelings and actions affect our animals.