The forecast was finally for a warm weekend, so we headed for the beach. It turned out to be so hot that we had to find shade for the dogs. They loved it down at the water's edge where the sea was cooling and there was a delicious breeze, but back up the beach, they sat happily in the shade, peeping out from time to time to see if it was time to go for another paddle.
Buddy cooling off in the sea.
Star cools off with a paddle.
Buddy and Star find some shade at the beach.
We had a wonderful day at the beach today. We had fun, the dogs had fun, and we made sure that the dogs didn't stop anyone else having fun. That may sound an odd thing to say, but I love being able to take Buddy and Star with us on a day out. They both adore the beach - having a paddle, enjoying a dig in the sand and so on. I am convinced that if dog owners allow their dogs to spoil the good time others are trying to have we will be banned from more and more places.
Today is a "guest appearance" in the blog, with a post by Jenny.
I got a little way into this book and thought, "What a swindle this isn't a dog book at all!" But I stuck with it and I am so glad I did, because it blossoms into a very beautiful dog book indeed.
Dan Dye was at rock bottom. He hated his job, he didn't know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, and worst of all his dog had recently died. Friends did their best to cheer him up, but it wasn't until a Great Dane called Gracie came into his life, that things started to look up for him. Gracie was a puppy that no one else wanted, because she was deaf. She was also albino. She also had big blue eyes, and the minute Dan saw her, he fell in love with her.
Dogs Trust do an incredible job in the UK rehoming dogs and making those in their shelters as happy as possible. At my local shelter there are a mother and son looking for a new home together. They look lovely and I hope they are soon happily settled with a new owner. Bless 'em.
Mother and Son, Duke and Sheba, desperate for a home together