Bilbo is a gorgeous Newfoundland dog who is currently caught in the middle of a mess through no fault of his own. Bilbo’s story first hit the headlines in 2008 when he was banned from the beach on which he was performing life guard duties. Up until the ban, Bilbo had been assisting his owner and then head lifeguard, Steve Jamieson, helping keep bathers safe at Sennen Cove beach in Cornwall. However the beach is a no-go area for dogs in the daytime, and since Bilbo is not classed as a working dog, he found himself falling foul of the ban.
Ziggy the painting dog - interview
Wolf walk - interviews
Buddy's Diary
Editor's Note: Please be aware that small dogs can find their way into many dangerous places. It's safest to leave the washing machine door closed to make sure your dog doesn't climb in.
Pet sitters do a marvelous job looking after our animals when we can't for whatever reason. Here Nina Cole who runs a pet sitting business reveals some of the benefits and ups and downs of being a pet sitter. Is it a job that could be for you?
The Pet Industry is thriving. The idea travelled from the United States and now Britain's pet owners are breathing a huge sigh of relief
No more wrestling Kitty into her cat box, or marching Rover into an alien environment where he may be exposed to contagious diseases, sickness or parasites. Granny would also be safe from the constant trips to empty the litter tray and water the roses and the neighbours wouldn't need to hide from the annual doorbell when next doors suitcases appear down the drive!
Genevieve is an amazing dog, because she has written one of those books which while reading you constantly find yourself taking the book to your partner/child/mother/whoever’s in the house with you, saying, “Listen to this!” Then you read them an amusing extract from the book and you both laugh. And believe me in this book you are spoiled for choice over which amusing extract to share.
It’s been one of those dreadful drizzly days when the rain never really gets going, but having not really got going it keeps on all day long. It was the kind of day to spend inside reading a book or watching a DVD. I had work to do of course, but it would have been good to read a book or watch a DVD if you had the time.