I am Benny, a very sensitive Basset Boy. I love carrots and wiggle-walks more than anything else in the whole world (except my Mom and Dad).
As August draws to a close and September begins, thoughts turn to autumn or fall, and the good things that season will bring. One of those is the National Dog Show, which you can read more about in the press release below.
If your dog is interested in toys (which I guess most are) you'll know how much a good play enriches his day. Our dogs love their toys whether it's chasing a ball or worrying away at a distraction toy to get the goodies out of it. Buddy's favourite toy of all time was his Kong Wubba, which is the only toy he ever stood up to Star over, refusing very un-Labrador-like to share it. Star loves her plush squeaky telephone toy, but she can only have supervised access to it because Buddy would see it off in two minutes flat.
I came across a really interesting article in Paw Prints The Magazine called A Dog’s Life: Relationships Between Dogs & Owners Fall into Three Categories. Apparently the three categories are humanist, protectionist and dominionist - have a read and find out which one you are. I definitely fall into the humanist category.
Boomer just turned a year old. He's my best friend!
Who's your favourite dog owning celebrity?
A sad story in the news today is that more than forty Greyhounds are still waiting to be rehomed over a year after the track where they raced shut down. When Walthamstow Stadium was closed, the dogs who raced there for public entertainment suddenly found themselves out of work, and since then have been languishing at Whittingham Kennels, near Waltham Abbey, Essex.
This is our 1 year old male dog Mojo. His father was full blooded Golden Retriever and his mother was a full blooded black Chow Chow. We are often asked if Mr Mojo is a Newfie and he truly seems to look like one. He is very intelligent, loves to swim (he even tries to save my children when they are swimming with him) and he loves the snow in the wintertime. We are very blessed to have him in our lives.
This is my 1 year old German shorthaired Pointer, Stelina...I've had Stelina since she was 6 weeks old...started training her from the off..she's an absolute delight to have in our life.