"This is so embarassing, you better not put that on the internet."
Scruffy outside playing!
Scruffy is a 6-year-old Border Terrier from Ohio
I just love all the attention!
Now, if I could just keep my brother, Cooper, from pulling my bow out of my hair, I would be so happy!
Back in January this year Jacob went missing. His owners have done everything they can to find him, yet there is still no concrete trace of him. Someone must have him somewhere - quite possibly someone completely unaware of who he is. But since Jacob is microchipped it should be easy to reunite him with his family, who are missing him dreafully. Here's an email I received today about Jacob:
I am contacting you today for your help.
Please help us by looking at Jacob's missing poster attached, he is a rare breed Bracco Italiano, a highly distinguishable dog that could have been advertised in your local paper for sale or offered for rehoming.
Jacob is Orange and white colouring, stands about 27" to the shoulder, entire, was (in January) slightly built, and has a small pea sized lump under the skin on his left shoulder.
Most importantly, he is MICROCHIPPED.
Sad as it is Jacob is still missing some 8 months on, this still torments our family.
Irena Whitfield, author of 'My Life With A Westie' discusses how to discourage your Westie from biting. Biting is the most frequent problem she is consulted on.
Definitely the most important issue about male westies is biting. And the most dangerous if it goes on not corrected.
Every day I receive tens of various questions and requests for help with various problems and biting is the most frequent.
First, you should realise that there are no dogs that do not bite. Every dog will bite under the 'right' circumstances. So, don't believe people who tell you that their dog does not bite.
But we should differentiate between a puppy and an adult dog.
This is Tesh, he's ~ 3 yrs old--- I love him, I rescued him from the street... I can't believe I am so lucky that he was there for me to fall in love... :) to find out he is a gem, wonderful companion, loving and so well behaved, though his time as a 'ho-bo' comes back when we go out for runs :)
Natalia Hernandez
Mexico City, Mexico