I have interviewed David Frei (in Episode 76 of DogCast Radio) about The National Dog Show and thought it sounded very interesting. Up till now I couldn't watch it from the UK, but this year I will be able to watch it online. Now all I need to find is where I can watch the Thanksgiving parade online for the full experience. Here's more information about The National Dog Show:
diesel is a beautiful dog he is so loving and a big baby. he gets along so well with everyone and especially are new pup koby who is a akitaxrottweiler (6weeks old). loving breed of dog and just great to have.
I watched the weather forecast this morning which informed me that the morning would be dry but by the afternoon heavy rain would set in. So I decided to switch my day around and walk the dogs in the morning to avoid getting wet. (Remember me not wanting to get wet later in the story.)
A few weeks ago we added two kittens to our growing menagerie. This was something we did with full commitment, but some trepidation as we obviously already have two dogs, plus Anthony is allergic to some cats. However, having made the decision to take them in, we were determined to make it work. You can hear more details in this weekend's show about how the canines and felines have settled down together, but as shown in the photos they are now perfectly happy and relaxed in each other's company.
Star and Leo relaxing.
Buddy and Luna cuddle on the couch.
This is my best friend Jake. As you can see he loves the wanter!
otto playing in the leaves