Watch this video to see the wonder of what a dog can be.
Take care,
Julie x
Hollyrood Houndstounge - Zippo is just over 3 now. He is so smart, easy to train and loves everyone he meets.
You may not have realized it at the time, but when you adopted your Berner, you “signed” an unwritten contract whereby you accepted “power of attorney” to make medical decisions on his behalf. Making such decisions can be challenging. Veterinarian Nancy Kay has advice to help you become the best advocate possible for your dog - whether he's a Berner or not!
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
You may not have realized it at the time, but when you adopted your Berner, you “signed” an unwritten contract whereby you accepted “power of attorney” to make medical decisions on his behalf. Making such decisions can be challenging. For starters, there is often the need to comprehend and sort through a good amount of technical/medical information. Secondly, we all love our dogs dearly, and the thought of making the wrong choice on their behalf is a dreadful one indeed.
The number of nutritional supplement manufacturers has grown exponentially. Unfortunately, the quality of products hitting the market is somewhat hit or miss. There is no FDA approval process for nutritional supplements, and incidents of contamination with heavy metals, pesticides, or other unsavory ingredients have been reported. Veterinarian Nancy Kay helps you make sense of it all.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
The nutritional supplement industry has become big business as people are looking for more natural ways to care for the health of their pets. For example, a person might be inclined to try glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate for their dog’s arthritis pain rather than a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (the equivalent of doggie Advil).
Veterinarian Nancy Kay discusses insuring your pets.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
This article first appeared in Animal Chronicles the twice yearly community newspaper published by the Marin Humane Society. (
Veterinary health insurance has been around for a good long time, but only recently is it achieving greater popularity with consumers. My sense is that its growth initially was stymied by inadequate, “slowpay, no-pay” reimbursement policies. This seems to be changing now that some insurance providers are willing to provide greater reimbursement amounts to policyholders, thus attracting people who want to take advantage of high-end diagnostic and therapeutic options that might otherwise be unaffordable.
When rich food appears, pancreatitis lurks.
Advice from veterinarian Nancy Kay about how to avoid inflaming your dog's pancreas.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
This article first appeared in Bark magazine Nov/Dec 2008 issue. (
’TIS THE SEASON FOR FAMILY GATHERINGS, gift giving and food galore. Veterinarians know that this is also the season for canine pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), a painful, potentially life-threatening condition most commonly caused by overindulgence in foods that are particularly rich or fatty. And what kitchen isn’t overflowing with such foods this time of year?
I've just read a fascinating article on stray dogs in Moscow entitled Smartest Dogs: Moscow Stray Dogs . Apparently a growing number of dogs who have to fend for themselves are developing impressive and effective new ways of "hunting" down their food, courtesy of unwitting humans!