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Links: Assistance and therapy dogs

Surf Dog Ricochet


Living a lifestyle of helping others by pawing it forward while raising awareness & funds for human/animal causes. She surfs for fun & wins surf dog contests too! She's best known for her inspirational video "From service dog to SURFice dog" that went viral on YouTube & has almost 3 million views. Kleenex alert! Join her on Facebook too!

Disabled World Guide Dog Article


A guide dog is a highly trained dog that acts as a mobility aid to blind and visually impaired people. It provides not only mobility but gives freedom and independence as well as being a faithful and loving companion......

Association for the Blind of Western Australia


During the past 85 years, the Association for the Blind of WA has grown from a small voluntary organisation, the Lady Braille Writers, to a complex, statewide organisation that is the principal provider of services to thousands of Western Australians who are blind or vision impaired.

Wikipedia Guide Dog Article


Lots of information about guide dogs.

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT


When your name is Guide Dogs, everyone naturally assumes that you train Guide Dogs for people who are blind or vision impaired. Which, of course, we do. But it's not all that we do.

We train people who are vision impaired to use canes, canines and electronic aids to improve their mobility and thus independence and quality of life.
We train companion dogs for children and adults who are disabled or disadvantaged owing to age, isolation or ill health.

And we advocate on behalf of the people we assist to make the community an easier place in which to live and work.

We do not charge for our services.We don't receive government funding. Everything we achieve is made possible by the generosity of our donors, bequestors and volunteers.

American Guide Dogs


We create a profound partnership between person and dog - and help to unleash the potential in both of them. But it doesn't happen by accident. It takes preparation, a world class training program, and support through life's challenges.

4 Paws for Ability


Our Mission is to enrich the lives of people with disabilities by training and placing service animals to provide them with companionship and promote independent living.
We specialize in placements with people who are turned away by many other agencies. Often times people with disabilities contact agencies that place service dogs only to be told they are 'too disabled' or 'not disabled enough' and are turned down. Also, parents trying to find service dogs for their children quickly discover that many agencies will not place service dogs with children.

Dogs For the Disabled (UK)


Dogs for the Disabled trains dogs to help disabled people live life more independently.

Our dogs are trained in practical tasks such as opening and closing doors, helping a person undress, even taking the laundry out of the washing machine.

Pets As Therapy


Details of Pets as Therapy activities, news, events, and how you can help support them.

Guide dogs (UK)


Providing blind and partially-sighted people with the freedom and independence a guide dog gives for nearly 75 years.