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Episode 91 - Ziggy the painting dog and Wolf walk

Released Sat July 25, 2009
Length: 0:52:40
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Ziggy the painting dog

I found him sitting in front of the painting wagging his tail, staring at the painting admiring his work.

 - Elizabeth Monacelli

Ziggy the artistic Pekingese.
Click on photo for larger image.

One of Ziggy's creations.
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As soon as I read about Ziggy in a newspaper I wanted to interview his owner, Elizabeth Monacelli.

In most respects Ziggy is an "ordinary" Pekingese, except Ziggy has an unusual talent - he's an artist. In this interview Elizabeth explains how it all came about from Ziggy's interest in cardboard tubes. She has evidence that he admires his own work, and she talks about how Ziggy is adamant about which colour to use at times. Ziggy chooses when and for how long he works, and part of the proceeds from the sale of his masterpieces goes to charity.

There's more to Ziggy's story than meets the eye - listen and find out. You can find out more about Ziggy at his website, and you can contact him on Twitter.

Plus DogCast Radio can offer you the chance to win a pawtographed T-shirt and set of 6 postcards featuring Ziggy's work by entering our Ziggy competition. To be in with a chance of winning answer this question:

In our interview how many paintings does Elizabeth say Ziggy had completed so far?

You can email the answer to

The winner will be chosen and random and announced in our September show. Good luck!

Wolf Walk

There is such a skewed vision of wolves by many people. When you think about it from the day we’re born the wolf is always cast in a bad light.

 - Sean Kavanagh

Jenny enjoys interacting with a wolf.
Click on photo for larger image.

Julie pets a wolf.
Click on photo for larger image.

When Jill Moss founder of the Bella Moss Foundation invited us on a wolf walk with the UK Wolf Conservation Trust we jumped at the chance to go.

The trust offers members and their guests the chance to interact with wolves in a wonderful woodland walk, and then return to the centre to learn more about these beautiful creatures. It's amazing to see how affectionate the wolves are with their handlers, and to hear about the wolves appearances on television. One of the wolves, Alba, broke his neck in an accident in his enclosure - hear his amazing story of recovery. You can find out more about the trust at their website.

Jill Moss has been nominated for Woman of the Year, and in this show you can hear her talk about her experiences with the wolves.

She became a member of the trust after interacting with young wolves in their enclosure. One of the wolves a reacted strangely to her - with very lucky consequences for Jill.

Hear Jill tell the story of how she lost her beloved dog Bella to MRSA and how she has since helped countless other sufferers around the world in Episode 58 of DogCast Radio.

You can find out more about Jill and support her fight against MRSA and other serious infections at the Bella Moss Foundation website.

Buddy's Diary

In Buddy's Diary, Buddy has been observing Star and Jenny at their training classes. So how is Star getting on with training her human? What crafty strategies has she been employing and do they work? More to the point how can Buddy make it work in his favour?


Host Julie brings you some dog related news stories (because Kate and Nick are away from the News Desk celebrating Kate's birthday). Did you hear about the dog who's been upstaging Richard Gere, and who are the new sponsors for Crufts 2010 - and why will they be so popular among the dogs?