Nancy Kay is a veterinarian who can help you truly be your dog's best friend. She is the author of Speaking for Spot: Be the advocate your dog needs to live a happy healthy longer life.
In this interview she gives some great insights into how you can make informed decisions about your dog's health. When it comes to visiting the vet, do you know how to make the consultation as effective as possible? And would you like to know the secrets of being a popular customer? All through our dogs' lives we face difficult choices - when to spay or neuter, which treatment to choose, and that ultimate problem of when to let go?
Nancy shares her Ten Commandments of visiting the vet and explains the procedures that most of us probably didn't even know were available for dogs. All this dished up with a hearty helping of humour - so don't miss out, listen to Nancy's interview.
For more information you can visit Nancy's website and blog.
In the UK the Swedish Kennel Club is often held up as a model of perfection, so when I interviewed Jon Buscall who breeds Basset Hounds in Sweden, I took the opportunity to pick his brains on the subject.
While Jon does not represent the Swedish Kennel Club in official capacity, he has plenty of experience of being a member, and of breeding dogs under its guidance. So just what is the SKC doing that's so good, and how are they working to improve and ensure dog health, and of all the things we are told about them what is myth and what is truth? - Jon has the answers, and you can hear them.
You can find information and advice at Jon's blog on his website, and you can contact him on Twitter. To find out more about the Swedish Kennel Club visit their website.
Buddy has been somewhere exciting. He went to a huge dog party, and he tells all about it in Buddy's Diary. Buddy was at Crufts helping to promote the PDSA, and had a fantastic time - but how did he cope with all the attention, and what did he make of the press room?
Listen and find out.
In the news you can hear how much X-men actor Liev Schreiber loves his dog, why ex-footballer turned actor Vinnie Jones is so grateful to his dog, and how British politician, former home secretary and guide dog user David Blunkett recently sustained a cow-related injury. Plus ugly dogs, noisy dogs and the aaah! factor -what more could you ask for from Kate and Nick at the DogCast Radio Newsdesk?