Do you ever wish that your dog was calmer? Well wish no more, as trainer Pat Miller talks about the simple steps you can take to allow your dog to become calm.
It's great when our dogs are full of enthusiasm and energy, but we can encourage them to find the right outlet for that energy, and show them how to behave appropriately at other times. Pat has some common sense ideas and she talks about how any owner can put them into effect. Plus she tells Julie how to train Labrador Buddy to greet people in a more calm manner.
Pat Miller was a humane officer at the Marin Humane society in California for over twenty years, before qualifying as a CPDT trainer and opening her own training establishment, Peaceable Paws. She is also the training editor of The Whole Dog Journal. Pat has living proof that her methods work, in the shape of her own serene pack of dogs.
Monty is a dog who has had a lot of luck - some good some bad.
In this interview you can hear how he is certainly lucky with the owner he has now, Joanna Brown, with whom he has found his forever home.
Just as things were looking up for Monty, disaster struck again, and Joanna had to help him get through physical and emotional damage. Just how much can a dog suffer and come back from? What do you do when you love your dog, but you find it hard to like him? Worse still, how do you cope when you don't think he likes you?
When they discovered Tellington Touch, it was a huge breakthrough for the pair, and TTouch practitioner Sarah Fisher was so taken with Monty he features in her latest book.
To find out more about Joanna Brown visit the I want a happy hound site. To access free advice from Joanna and other experts, visit the N4C site, and to discover more about Sarah Fisher visit the Tilley Farm site.
Buddy's Diary is about Buddy's recent vacation in Scotland. What does Scotland smell like? Why does it take so long to get there? And what the heck do they do to those bagpipes to make that sound come out?
All will be revealed!
In the news hear how dogs can make you snore, where to find advice on choosing the right dog for you, and a dog who is sniffing out bumblebees.
Julie and Buddy have been practising Heelwork to Music for a few months, and were delighted to be awarded fourth place in a competition by Kate Nicholas. Kate is the human half of the dancing duo Kate & Gin - Gin is the canine half. They were catapulted to fame by the UK show Britain's Got Talent, and have been wowing crowds ever since. Julie interviewed Kate about how life is now for the partnership, and discovered more about Kate's book.
This is the first I've heard
This is the first I've heard of Tellington Touch.. thanks
I also use harp music with great results (works on humans too). The best I've found is by Diane Scheinder - Harp of Hope - Animal Therapy Edition at