In this show we grapple with some of the really problematic areas of training. Cindy Scott is an experienced trainer who gives her advice on two subjects that she finds most owners need help with.
The first is socialisation. It is vital for your dog's development to give him experience of as many environments as possible as early as possible. This can be difficult, because this is at an age when most puppies haven't completed their vaccinations, but Cindy has some advice on what to do, as well as how to approach things with an older dog.
The second subject she has advice for is toilet training. Surely house breaking a dog is something all dog owners have to try hard with - some of us more than others! Don't despair though, as Cindy can help you get it right. For more of Cindy Scott's excellent advice you can read her book Zen Chien - and in this interview she explains exactly what the term Zen Chien implies.
Cindy has two websites for you to visit, the Dogs etc site, and the Enlightened Dog Training site.
Imogen Holt is a dog counsellor who works with people as well dogs and specialises in bereavement counselling. She approaches her cases with a different attitude from many trainers, and has a special insight in to the way our behaviour affects our dogs'. In many situations, she ends up working on the human's problems rather than the dog's as the dog is reading his person and adjusting his behaviour accordingly. It can be such a comfort when we are in tune with our dogs, but such a disadvantage for them if our issues spoil their quality of life, and Imogen shares some of the partnerships she has helped steer back to a healthy balance. There is a lot of information as well as a message board on Imogen's Work Wonders website.
In the DogCast Radio News you can hear about one woman's amazing efforts to save dogs in China, how weather caused problems for a Rottweiler in America, and life for dogs in Wales won't be so shocking anymore.
Plus, host Julie announces the winners of the A Dog About Town competition, and has news of a great new competition run by Organipets. If your dog has the Woof Factor he could win the two of you some wonderful pampering and prizes - visit the Organipets website to find out how.