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Episode 65 - Rescue dogs

Released Sat May 10, 2008
Length: 1:04:35
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Happy Hounds

In this episode we focus on rescue dogs.

Susan Daffron has had a wealth of experiences with rescues, and has written the book Happy Hound. This is a guide to helping you develop a good relationship with your rescue dog or puppy.

In this interview Susan talks about many of the issues that accompany giving a dog a much deserved second chance - starting with perhaps the most fundamental question of why it's good to adopt a dog from a shelter. Susan also describes some of the challenges she has risen to when dealing with her own dogs, as well as how to deal with shy dogs, and what preparations you should make before bringing home your newest friend.

Click here to find our more about the Happy Hound book and about author Susan Daffron.

Caring For Your Rescue Dog.

All dog lovers enjoy a rescue dog story with a happy ending, and Louisa Adams book has sixty of them.

The book is published by Angela Patchell, and in this interview Angela tells the story of three of the dogs included in Caring For Your Rescue Dog.

Her own experiences of giving a home to a dog looking for a second chance inspired Angela to publish the book, and she is hoping to hear from any of you with stories of your own to tell. If you would like to share the story of how your rescue dog came into your life, you can contact Angela and find out more about her and the book at her website.

Story: The sweet spot

Sometimes of course, taking on a rescue dog isn't a straight forward matter. The Sweet Spot is a beautiful and thought provoking short story from Shawndra Miller.

Shawndra also reads one of her poems inspired by her own rescue dog, Hannah. To read more about Shawndra visit her blog. You can also hear another of her stories in episode 47 of DogCast Radio, and listen to an interview with her in episode 55.


The DogCast Radio News includes some of the latest dog related research.

Larry Kurdek, a Professor Wright State University, has conducted a study looking at how close we are to our dogs, compared with how close we are to other family members.

To take part in this fascinating study email Larry at